Galactic Empires
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Card Combinations

Here's a section I'd really like help with: I've got a lot of card combos I use, but I wouldn't call them cool, mostly obvious (the Command Point Bonanza is one example). Since they do seem to me to be obvious, I don't feel like they need to take up space here. So why don't you let me know about some neat trick you've taken a shine to and I'll slap it up, attributed and everything.

Major empire-specific card combinations appear under the strategy guide's section on that empire. The Mechad Overlord, for instance, has a few neat tricks up his chrome-plated sleeve. And those Scorpeads have all kinds of nasty tricks for inflicting truly awe-inspiring amounts of phaser damage.

A possibly obvious point about card combos: most decks are fairly large, and these combos aren't likely to be drawn very quickly. You will typically end up with two choices: sit there with dead cards in your hand; or, since these combos tend to rely on fairly high-strength cards, park them in your reserve fleet until you can set up the entire combo. In some cases, the combo depends on surprise, so parking the cards isn't going to work with a regular play group more than once.

Command Point Bonanza

C7 Android + A6 Promotion + A8 Duo-Brain
This combo nets you eight command points. Adding additional Promotion cards will add another eight points each. Adding a second Duo-brain will quadruple the total command points being generated.

Cyber-Android of Doom

by David S. Auer

C7 Android + R/A7 Improved Automaton + A5 Mental Inspiration + F1 Electro-Field
The Android becomes 21-strength with the Automaton and able to use any two disciplines with the Inspiration. All it needs to use is one cyber overload off the Electro-Field to deal its strength to any unit.

"Draw 1 Draw Pile"

by David S. Auer
(my personal favorite so far...)

C10 Spiritual Leader + C6 Clone + E7 Cloning Device + Cx Cybermage
Clone the Spiritual Leader to allow you to double the function of every crew at its location. Have the real Leader double the Clone's doubling function and the Cybermage's card draw/play function. With the doubled function of the Clone, double the real Leader's doubling function and the Cybermage's card draw/play function. With the original Leader's now twice-usable doubling function, double the Clone's doubling function... Stop when you either have your entire deck in hand or your former friends have vacated the building.

You can also substitute:
C10 Mime for C6 Clone
B6 Cloning Station for E7 Cloning Device
C5 Quartermaster for Cx Cybermage

"Goodbye Draw Pile"

by Boo-Da, Geist and Psycho

C8 Spiritual Leader + C6 Clone + any crew + E7 Cloning Device + R/A8Time Lore
Play the Time Lore to the crew card, and cycle through as you would for the "Draw 1 Draw Pile" combo above. Force all your opponents to discard their draw piles. Flee the scene.

HQ Healing

by Doug E. Mather

A8 Time Lore + any crew + O7 Poker Night

Heal from 1 to 24 points of sector HQ damage. Use the Time Lore to look at the top card of all opponent decks, and when they have very low cards, play the Poker Night. Points bid are lost. If you want be 100% sure of winning, use an A5 Aurora Boreallis to view the top card of your deck (as long as the card viewed isn't then played to the terrain). To help win, you might need to use a Crinkled Timeline to place a low card on top of an opponent's deck.

"Not Rognar... again..."

by David S. Auer, with a little bit o' tweakin' by Yours Truly

B6 Castle Rognar + C4 Noble Robber Baron + A5 Automaton + C7 Tactical Officer+ some form of crew transportation

Drop the Automaton on the Robber Baron and take over an opponent terrain (that's why you need crew transportation). Land Rognar on the terrain. Blast away with the loaded heavies on Rognar. Return Rognar to hand with the Tactical Officer during your draw phase. Repeat next turn.

Without the crew transportation, you'll either have to have additional Robber Barons and Automatons as necessary or take two additional turns to return first the Automaton then the Robber Baron itself to hand with the Tactical Officer.

"Temporal Correction Agency"

by David S. Auer

B6 Cloning Station + R/E9 Temporal Engineer
Each turn clone the Engineer. Spend 1 card play to return the bottom card of the discard pile to your hand, using the Engineer's clone. The combination can't be negated by a Time Keeper and since a lot of great cards (like L9 Discard Equivalency, for example) go to the bottom of the discard pile to get around abusing O10 Time Portal, this works out just fine anyway.

"The Vektrean-Tranoan Conspiracy"

by David S. Auer

R/T/B1/9 Vektrean Asteroid Outhouse + R/C5 Spy Technician + E8/2 Tranoan Time Bomb + R/E7 Temporal Transporter
Actually, and temporal transportation will do. Get the Outhouse into the time origin, with the Spy Technician and temporal transportation on board. Play the Time Bomb. The Technician can use the transportation to move the Time Bomb to the fleet, where it is used and then returns to the time origin - on the Outhouse - ready to be used yet again.

"Whole Lotta Hurtin' Goin' On"

by Jon Peer, from his "fire, awwk fire; fire, awwk fire" deck

Sx bolaar ship + Pirate Captain + M6 Pirate Parrot + E8 Bolaar Capacitors
With this combination, you can fire your phasers four times per turn. Add in an R/E4 Multi-Purpose Phasers and you can fire your phasers four times in reaction on your opponent's turn! For real fun add an E9 Future Ship.

"You only die once (per turn)"

by Davis S. Auer

C5 Suicide Squad + A5 Greater Automaton + T8 Custom Marine Depot + some sort of crew cloning + some form of crew transport
Play the ability to the crew, the crew to the terrain. Clone the crew and transport the cloen to an opponent unit, dealing 10 structural damage to it. Repeat the procedure each turn until your opponent runs out of units.

"You're Protectiong Your Ship With What?"

by Psycho

any ship + R/T2 Asteroid Shield + A10 Artificial Landmass
Play the Asteroid Shield to protect the ship (preferably a large one), play the Artificial Terrain to the Asteroid and enjoy quite a bit of protection.

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