New Empires Entity & Promotional Sheet

Set Index: New Empires / Promotional Set 1

New Empires had 10 Entities which didn't fit on the Very Rare sheet. These were likely placed on their own sheet, either with ten copies of each Entity or, more likely, along with the 29 Promotional cards from this era, some of which were likely printed multiple times on the sheet.

The C3 Time Traveling Arms Dealer was distributed at a 7:1 ratio with the C10 Time Traveling Arms Dealer in Conjure Magazine while the O6 Empires in Conflict was distributed at a 9:1 ratio with the O10 Empires in Conflict in Scrye Magazine. Other cards likely appeared multiple times on the sheet as well to meet distribution needs.

Note that the depicted Print Sheets are just example layouts. I don't know what the actual card layout of these sheets were. In fact, the actual layout was likely more randomized to make it easier to pack boosters.

New Empires Entity Sheet

Promotional Set 2 Cards