Beta Edition Uncommon & Rare Sheet

Set Index: Beta Edition

I recently came across an eBay listing for some uncut Alpha print sheets, which clued me in on a few facts of how Alpha and Beta were printed. First, these sets were printed on sheets of 5x10 cards instead of the 10x10 cards of later sets. Next, there were two print sheets, one of Commons (used in Starters also) and the other contained the Uncommons and Very Rares. Last is that several of the cards were printed twice on a sheet.

Based on this information I was able to discern the entire contents of the Beta Common sheet being the contents of the Starter. I was also able to make a reasonable guess which cards apper twice on the Uncommon/Rare sheet using the numbers of cards I own to guess at which cards appear twice on the sheet.

Note that the depicted Print Sheets are just example layouts. I don't know what the actual card layout of these sheets were. In fact, the actual layout was likely more randomized to make it easier to pack boosters.

Beta Edition Uncommon & Rare Card List